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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/10/11

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling, Emma Smith and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.
Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM  

Review of Items for Signature
Selectman Gottling has the following September 26th minutes corrections: on page 2; the motion for use of facilities for SMHS Annual Spirit Week change from,  seconded by Selectman Brown to seconded by Selectman Smith. Also on page 2; on the Town Warrant March 10, 198 change to March 10, 1981.
On page 3; Chief Cahill said he would stay away specifics, change to stay away from specifics.
Motion to approve the following CZC’s: Parcel ID-0115-0026, 23 North Shore Road, John & Lori Fernandes. Parcel ID-0126-0013, 34 Stone End Road, Lake Sunapee Yacht Club. Parcel ID-0123-0006, 23A Fairway Drive, Granliden Community Asso. Parcel ID-0106-0024, 1230 Route 11,Chris MacDonald. Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit: Parcel ID-0122-0016, 234 Garnet Hill, Barbara Calhoun by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. Allin Favor.
Motion to approve the following additional CZC’s Parcel ID-0238-0045, 55 Penacook Path, George Stein. Parcel ID-0119-0004-0001, 3 Carey Road, Duane Abbott II. Parcel ID-0107-0035, Lake Ave, GM, Shared R.O.W by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit: Parcel ID-0129-0011, 70 Lower Main, Sunapee School District by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Property Tax Credit: Parcel ID-0137-0019, 32 Harbor Hill Road, Denise Stanley by Selectman Gottling seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Selectmen Action
• Donna Nashawaty reported that Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission is requesting two representatives from the four communities, which are New London, Newbury, Springfield and Sunapee for the Rural Water Supply Project.
Motion to appoint Tony Bergeron and Selectman Gottling to the Rural Water Supply Project by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. 3 in Favor 1 Abstention.
Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities form for Sunapee Region Board of Realtors to use the Safety Services Building on October 27th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. Will waive insurance requirement. All in Favor.
Donna Nashawaty sent out letters to ten residents who might be interested in serving on the Budget Advisory Committee. Donna Nashawaty gave a brief description of Laura Jacobi, who submitted a volunteer application. Donna Nashawaty noted Laura Jacobi, who has worked in finance, accounting and management for over fourteen years. Motion to appoint Laura Jacobi to the Budget Advisory Committee by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.  
•Chairman Gallup tabled the discussion on building permit approval until the next meeting so that Selectman Roach could be involved in the discussion.
•Donna Nashawaty presented two letters that the Upper Valley Regional Planning Commission would like the Board to write in support of a USDA Grant for municipal household hazardous waste collections. The grant would evaluate and implement a pilot program to develop some variation of satellite collections.
Motion was to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the letters of support made by Selectman Brown and seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.

Scott Blewitt-Recreation Department
•Scott Blewitt would like the Board to authorize expenditures money from the special recreation fund and reimburse the general fund in the amount of $1,717.35, which Scott Blewitt gave a breakdown of items paid. Motion to withdraw $1,717.35 from special recreation fund into the general fund to cover expenses by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Scott Blewitt received a custom made BMX bike donated by Marilyn Ripley, that he would like to raffle off during the Turkey Trot weekend and the proceeds would go towards “grandmother benches” at Tilton Park. Motion to allow the Recreation Department to raffle off the BMX bike at the Turkey Trot sign-up on Wednesday night and during the Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving, where the winner will be announced by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty received an email from Pat Remick, there is a Coalition Communities meeting scheduled for Friday, October 21st at 10:00am at the Statehouse in Concord to hear assessments about the potential for passage of an education funding constitutional amendment; looking for a representative from Sunapee and Dick Leone has expressed his interest if the Board does not object.
•Donna Nashawaty reported that it was decided at the last School Board meeting that the School will produce their own annual report this year.
•Donna Nashawaty and Tony Bergeron met with the DOT regarding the development that was foreclosed on about six months ago that is located on Brook Road. The subdivision has not been completed and the road has not been accepted. There was a road bond for $100,000, which Donna Nashawaty called a few months back The DOT is concerned about the driveway permit that was issued to the Builder. The DOT purchased two large culverts and the builder was supposed to install them, but the drive was not constructed according to the subdivision plan approval. Donna Nashawaty has to send this back to the Planning Board because the DOT would like a bond and it’s up to the Planning Board subdivision approval to hold the Builder accountable.
Chairman Gallup asked if the bond was pulled and Donna Nashawaty said it was, but only for the road. DOT did not ask for a bond covering the drive, but now are stating any future work will require a bond to NH DOT. The Planning Board can call a halt to the subdivision until it is brought up to “specs”. The current owner is being told by his Attorney, that all the agreements were with the previous owner and he does not need to comply with any of them.        
•Donna Nashawaty wanted to make sure the Board saw the Sunapee County Approportions.
•MRI will give a presentation on the preliminary results of the Ambulance Study on October 24th at 4:30PM at New London Hospital dining room The Board of Selectmen invited to attend.
•Donna Nashawaty reported that the Town Attorney is working on the firework ordinance and Donna Nashawaty will bring her suggestions to the Board at the next meeting. Selectman Brown asked if the town issued permits, could the town make the person requesting the fireworks permit is responsible if fireworks are set off under that permit. Donna Nashawaty stated that you can’t charge someone for violating a noise or fireworks ordinance unless you can prove it was them. After some discussion, the Board will wait to hear the Town Attorney suggestions.
•Chairman Gallup said the Board should think about having a non-public session at the next meeting to discuss the Fenton/Mt. Kearsarge contact.    

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith